Cook Lab
University of Oregon
Near Peer Mentoring Program
Welcome to the homepage for the Near Peer Mentoring Program
This program began in 2020 with the following goals:
To provide a resource/mentor for 1st year graduate students
To smooth and enhance the transition from undergraduate to graduate school
To create connections between 1st year graduate students and more advanced students
Develop the skills of 1st year graduate students on how to be a proactive mentee
Develop mentorship skills of advanced graduate students
Melanie Kascoutas - NPMP Organizer

2nd year graduate student
Cook Lab
OIM Division
Hometown: San Marcos, CA
Educational Background: BS Chemistry, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 2021
Research Experience:
Organometallic research with M. Taylor Haynes II at Cal Poly
Polymer Production Intern at Sirigen (BD)
Rotations at UO: Cook, Jasti, Haley/DWJ
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
Module leader and module volunteer, Summer Academy to Inspire Learning (SAIL) Chemistry Summer Camp (2022)
Career aspirations: Industry research
Hobbies: Camping and hiking
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): Welcome to UO! Remember to take time for yourself and reach out for help when needed 😊
Meet the Mentors!
Sofia Carlson

3rd year graduate student
Nolen Lab
IMB Division
Hometown: River Falls, WI
Educational Background: BS Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016
Research Experience:
Brad Nolen, University of Oregon, 2021-present
Project: Regulation of activating conformational changes of Arp2/3 complex in actin networks -
Kendrick Labs, Madison, WI, 2016-2020
Project: Development of a phosphotyrosine standard for use in 2D western blotting -
Doug Weibel, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013
Project: Investigation of cell death systems in E. col
Rotations at UO: DeRose, Hansen, Nolen
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
Joint Undergrad-Grad Mentorship Program (JUMP), mentor 2021-2022
Career aspirations: Industry research
Hobbies: Camping and hiking, reading, board games/video games, homebrewing, and grilling/smoking food
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): Excited to meet all of you! I also have 2 little kitty babies and will gladly share pics and "aww" over your own pet pics!
Tara Clayton

4th year graduate student
Jasti Lab
OIM Division
Hometown: Great Falls, MT
Educational Background: BA from Reed College in Portland OR
Research Experience:
I am a 4th year graduate student in the Jasti lab working on the synthesis of cycloparaphenylenes (carbon nanohoops). I did research in the Jasti lab for a summer as an undergraduate. Before that I spent a summer in a quality assurance lab at Cabot Creamery in Vermont and did an externship in the Felix Fischer lab at UC Berkeley.
Rotations at UO: Jasti, Dave Johnson, DWJ
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
Joint Undergrad-Grad Mentorship Program (JUMP), mentor 2021-2022
Career aspirations: I am interested in doing interdisciplinary work on cavity quantum electrodynamics of organic/ hybrid systems.
Hobbies: I love to do art, pole dance, and collect rocks.
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): Take your time to learn the things that make your soul happy. It will always pay off 🙂
Willow Davis

3rd year graduate student
OIM Division
Hometown: Union, KY
Educational Background:
BS Chemistry, Northern Kentucky University, 2020
BA Theatre, Northern Kentucky University, 2020
Research Experience:
Charlisa Daniels Group, Northern Kentucky University, Spring 2019 – Spring 2020
Project: Investigating the diffusion coefficients of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) through polymeric material
Rotations at UO: DWJ, Brozek, Pluth
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
UO NSF Molecular Probes and Sensors NRT Program, fellow
Women in Graduate Sciences (WGS), executive board member
Joint Undergrad-Grad Mentorship Program (JUMP), mentor
Career aspirations: Research professor/run my own research lab
Hobbies: Hiking, crafting, theatre, taking my cat on walks against her will, board games and DnD, baking (especially pie!)
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): Hi first-years! I’m super excited to get to know you! My cat is named Mjolnir, I really like obscure musical theatre, and my favorite color is yellow.
Jack Greene

3rd year graduate student
Cook Lab
OIM Division
Hometown: North Pomfret, VT
Educational Background:
B. S. Chemistry, St. Lawrence University, 2020
Research Experience:
Adam Hill, St. Lawrence University, 2018-2020
I worked on figuring out how many open coordination sites metals grafted to silica have. To do this, I used a probe molecule and the respective IR stretch to qualitatively determine amount of coordinated probe molecule to the metal
Rotations at UO: Cook, Dave Johnson, DWJ
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
ADSE Co-outreach Chair 2021-2022
SAIL module volunteer 2021, 2022
Career aspirations: In a position doing data analysis and mentoring, probably in industry.
Hobbies: Hiking and camping and all the summer outdoor things, skiing and skating and all the winter outdoor things, taking photos (both film and digital) of all the outdoor things, going to concerts of music I love.
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): Hiya, Welcome to Eugene! It’s a pretty rad place. Up till grad school I stuck pretty exclusively to New England, but now I know that west is best. I LOVE the outdoors, and how easy it is to get to wilderness areas and national forests from here. There are so many places to go and sights to see!
Andres Guerrero

3rd year graduate student
DeRose Lab
OIM Division
Hometown: Sparta, WI
Educational Background:
BS in Biochemistry and Biology, emphasis in biomedical sciences, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, 2016-2020
Research Experience:
Dr. Valeria Stepanova, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, 2017-2020
Project: Hybrid synthetic-computational approach to synthesize curcumin and curcuminoids
Rotations at UO: Pluth, Hettiaratchi, DeRose
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
Mad Duck Science Friday, Website Manager 2021-Current
Career aspirations: Work in industry
Hobbies: Board games, videogames, trivia, hiking, and exploring Oregon!
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): I grew up in Mexico, bilingual in English and Spanish
Kayd Meldrum

3rd year graduate student
Prell Lab
P-chem Division
Hometown: Pocatello, ID
Educational Background:
BS in Biochemistry, Idaho State University
Research Experience:
Sheridan Group, Idaho State University, 2017-2020
Project: Cloning and characterizing proteins from psychrophilic microorganisms
Prell Group, University of Oregon, 2021-present
Project: Method and software development for quantitating proteins with mass spectrometry
Rotations at UO: Richmond, Wong, Prell
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
Mad Duck Science Friday, Co-Director
Career aspirations: Probably something in pharmaceutical or instrument R&D.
Hobbies: Drawing and painting, reading, hiking and camping
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): I have two spoiled cats, Olive and Auri, and more plants than I can reasonably care for.
Kalika Pai

3rd year graduate student
Widom Lab
P-chem Division
Hometown: Stanley, NM
Educational Background:
BS in Chemistry, New Mexico Tech, 2020
Research Experience:
Piyasena Group, New Mexico Tech, 2017-2020
Project: Fluorescent lipid micro-spheres for biomarker detection
Foudazi Group, New Mexico State University, Summer REU 2019
Project: Macroporous chitosan polymer
Rotations at UO: Widom, Prell, Wong
Career aspirations: I’m a bit undecided! I’ve spent a lot of time considering a teaching/research position at a smaller college, but I could also imagine myself continuing research through an industry position.
Hobbies: Keeping my plants alive (both indoors and outside), taking on new crafty projects, roller skating (poorly)
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): My dog, Denny, is adorable but super timid around new people.
I love giving away plant cuttings, so don’t hesitate to ask if you’re “needing” a new plant!
Harrison Reid

3rd year graduate student
Jasti Lab
OIM Division
Hometown: Tucson, AZ
Educational Background:
BS in Chemistry, Biology minor, Northern Arizona University, 2020
Research Experience:
Dr. Gabriel Montaño (¡MIRA!), Northern Arizona University, 2018-2020
Project: Biomimetic supramolecular block-copolymer architectures
ARAMCO Research Centers – Boston, 2019 Summer intern
Project: Crosslinked polymer networks for sour gas separation
Rotations at UO: Jasti, Brozek, DWJ
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
SACNAS at UO, Board Member, 2021-present
Joint Undergrad-Grad Mentorship Program (JUMP), Undergraduate mentor 2021-2022
Career aspirations: Undetermined, something to do with materials/bio-materials
Hobbies: Sports, hiking and camping, amateur pizza maker.
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): When you’re doing homework late at night and hear meowing outside your window, go investigate.
Alex Rosen

3rd year graduate student
OIM Division
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Educational Background:
BS in Chemistry, Math Minor, Northern Kentucky University, 2020
Research Experience:
Dr. Lili Ma, NKU, 2016-2020
Projects: Library synthesis of aromatase inhibitors for use in breast cancer treatments.
Synthesis of diketones through novel alpha-ketone heteroarylation methods
Rotations at UO: Brozek, DWJ, Johnathon Reeder (Knight Campus)
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
Active Vice President of the Board of Directors for The Duck Store
Member of DuckREFS (Resources for Easing Friction and Stress)
Career aspirations: I want to go into industry or a national lab. Or, hopefully, starting my own company out of grad school.
Hobbies: Boardgames, DND (maybe too much honestly), Fishing, Going on drives, Swimming, Working out/powerlifting, Hanging out with the homies, Bar hopping. Really, you name it, I'm down to try.
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): Hello!! Welcome to UO! You will always be able to identify me from a distance by the (some may say atrociously bright) Hawaiian shirts I always wear.
Liam Twight

4th year graduate student
Boettcher Lab
OIM Division
Hometown: Anderson, CA
Educational Background:
B.S. Chemistry; California State University, Long Beach; 2019
Research Experience:
4th Year PhD student in Boettcher Lab
Rotations at UO: Boettcher, Brozek, Gardner
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
Active Vice President of the Board of Directors for The Duck Store
Member of DuckREFS (Resources for Easing Friction and Stress)
Career aspirations: Interested in renewable energy materials and device research in private sector
Hobbies: Tennis, cooking, hiking and backpacking, reading, guitar
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): Hi everyone! I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and support your first year experience however I can. Always feel free to reach out to me with questions!
Efrain Vidal

4th year graduate student
Haley Lab
OIM Division
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Educational Background:
B.S. Environmental Studies, University of Southern California, 2019
Research Experience:
Sarah Feakins, USC Earth Sciences, 2017-2019
Project: Biomarker quantification of Bengal Fan sediment samples (8-6 mya), Long-chain alkane quantification of wheat samples to distinguish desirable drought resistant characteristics, Established a modern soil reference for biomarker research in Serengeti National Park
Michael Haley, UO Chemistry and Biochemistry, 2020-present
Project: Expanded Quinoidal Scaffolds: Di- and Tetraradicaloid Structures, Covalent Dimers for Singlet Fission
Rotations at UO: Haley, Jasti, Darren Johnson
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
CMiS - 2020
ADSE E-board - 2021
CBGReAT - 2021-2023
Career aspirations: Teach at a 4-yr institution but wouldn't mind a position at a community/junior college. Ideally, I'd only teach, but if I needed to have a semi-active research program then that would be fine too.
Hobbies: Sleep, games (video and board), cooking, gardening, volleyball
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): Grad school is definitely a marathon and not a race so keep a solid pace and you'll still burn out, but it'll be less frequent/intense. Also, just about everyone is willing to talk to you about life and work, a work-life balance even, so try not to bottle up frustrations as you make your way through the program. Don't let my RBF fool you, I'm generally up for lending an ear or grabbing tea with at least several minutes notice.
Zach Walbrun

4th year graduate student
Wong Lab
P-chem Division
Hometown: Appleton, WI
Educational Background:
B.S. Chemistry and Mathematics, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, 2019
Research Experience:
Jennifer Dahl, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Summer 2017 - Spring 2019
Project: Investigating ligand dependence on crosslinking ability in gold thiol capped nanoparticles
Cathy Wong, University of Oregon, Summer 2020 - present
Project: Investigation of molecular aggregation and charge separation in organic thin films using in situ spectroscopies
Rotations at UO: Wong, Guenza, Richmond
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
Fall 2020 - TA workshop
Career aspirations: Teaching
Hobbies: Biking, hiking, traveling
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): Work together! It makes first year go much smoother
Luca Zocchi

3rd year graduate student
OIM Division
Hometown: Centennial, CO
Educational Background:
BS in Chemistry, Colorado State University, 2020
Research Experience:
Debbie Crans, Colorado State, Spring 2016-Spring 2020
Project: Interpeptide Cu exchange kinetics
Sage Therapeutics, Cambridge Massachusetts, Summer 2019
Project: Medicinal chemistry intern, working on central nervous system drugs
Rotations at UO: Haley, DWJ, Jasti
UO Organization and Outreach Activities:
NSF NRT program, fellow
Career aspirations: Some type of industry job, still figuring out what!
Hobbies: Mountain biking, Fly fishing, Skiing, Camping, (Anything outside), Cooking, Fermented/Distilled beverages (drinking and brewing), farmers markets, Ems games, DnD, Star wars
Message to 1st years (or extra notes about yourself): If I can be outside doing something that’s usually where you will find me, if not I’m probably making a mess in my kitchen!
Former Mentors
Hannah Bates, PhD
DWJ and Haley Labs
OIM Division
Alison Chang
Cook Lab
OIM Division
Michael Crawford, PhD
Wong Lab
P-Chem Division
Annie Gilbert
Pluth Lab
OIM Division
Zoe Irons
Grimes Lab
IMB Division
Grace Kuhl, PhD
OIM Division
Michael LeRoy
Brozek Lab
OIM Division
Grace Lindquist
Boettcher Lab
OIM Division
Jack Maurer
Marcus Lab
P-Chem Division
Julia Ngo
Guillemin and Pathasarathy Labs
IMB Division
Claire Otteson, PhD
Jasti Lab
OIM Division
Tavis Price
Jasti Lab
OIM Division​
Amy Robbins
Stankunas Lab
Biology/IMB Division
Michael Shavlik
Harms Lab
Biochem/IMB Division
Grace Waddell
Hansen Lab
Biochem/IMB Division
Gabrielle Warren
Haley Lab
OIM Division